Marriage Ministry

Communication: By The Book For Couples

Biblical Skills for Building Great Relationships, by Jeff & Tracy Smith

We are excited to pursue God’s will for a stronger, healthier marriage. This program has been developed as a result of our work with a multitude of couples, countless hours of prayer and time spent in God’s word, along with years of personal struggles and victories.

Whether new to Christ or seasoned saints, none of us are done with personal growth. We all have steps to take and relational areas to be refined. Many men and women have experienced the fulfillment of marriage as God intended it to be. If honestly questioned, most would admit that it is one of the most difficult relationships they have ever experienced, and one of the most glorious.

Our prayer is that God will use this program to bring a revolution of unity to your marriage, your family, and then in the church, and that He alone would receive all the glory!

Where: Grace Fellowship Church, Shrewsbury

When: November 1st – December 13th, 7-9PM.

Click “Register Here” for more info.

For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

Genesis 2:24

Please Complete Our Survey Below!

We believe marriage is THE MOST important relationship, next to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and we want to help the members of Grace Fellowship Church and our community strengthen and enrich their marriage, and by extension their family and their community.

We would love your feedback on what you would like to see this ministry provide for the body. Please take a moment to help us develop the marriage ministry by completing the survey below.