Tuesdays at 7:00pm in the Mini Auditorium
A structure for change, a community of support. You don’t have to walk alone.
Life Recovery is a Christ-centered 12 Step discipling ministry to help those seeking spiritual, emotional, and physical restoration and healing from addiction (such as alcohol, drugs, lust, food, gambling, work, internet), codependency (those whose loved ones struggle with addiction), and other self-defeating behaviors. You will find a safe, confidential environment of honesty, acceptance, and support.
For more information email:
In addition to LR, other recovery-based meetings are also held onsite at Grace Fellowship Church Shrewsbury.
Wednesday: 7:00pm, Alanon, room 861 & 7:30pm AA, room 862
Thursday: 7:30pm Nar-Anon, room 240
