How We Love

About How We Love

Are you married and long for a deeper, stronger relationship with your spouse? Are you single (or single again) and would like to prepare well for dating and marriage? If married, are you tired of the same repetitive argument over and over? Do you hope and pray for things to be better to no avail? Did you know your relational and/or marital problems started in your childhood?

In Milan and Kay Yerkovich’s book “How We Love”, they intertwine seventy years of attachment research with Biblical principles to explain why we react and behave when we are in close connection with others.


  • Learn the key factors for successful relationships.

  • Identify the five Love Styles (attachment styles) that function poorly in relationships. 

  • Be taught how to grow into a Secure attachment, to become more successful in all relationships and you mature to be more like Jesus.

  • Be exposed to the nine core patterns created by the combination of attachment styles that will destroy a relationship.

  • Learn the Comfort Circle, a biblically driven exercise that will help you grow into an emotionally mature believer.

How We Love Small Groups

Whether you attended the workshop or you’re just hearing about How We Love, you can sign up to participate in a 9-week small group with others! 

The 9-session Group Study was filmed in studio and each session has two streaming videos, group discussions and time for practicing new skills. This study is filled with Biblical content and was designed for individuals, couples, singles, married, divorced and college students.

Each participant needs to have a participants guide @ $20/each. If finances are an issue, please send me an email and we’ll help.

* Important: When registering from your mobile device the SUBMIT button is in the upper right corner. Also, all required fields must be completed for the form to go through. 

Milan & Kay Yerkovich, Marc & Amy Cameron

Visit These Resources For Next Steps!



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